Grabbing frogs...
Chapter 5: The End of It
You there! What day is it?
The frog realized that dawn had broken, and he was still in business...
Are you serious? It's Christmas Day of course!
Christmas Day! I haven't missed it! It's not too late!
Quick! Call everyone together for a company meeting!
What? No way! It's Christmas!
Oh, right! Sorry, I've been up all night travelling across space and time with some goats.
The CEO visited every one of his employees that day, and offered to exchange all the coffee mugs he had given them.
Never again will I give a gift just for the sake of giving a gift!
From now on, I'll only give what you really need and will cherish forever - stock options!
Umm, what do you guys think? Do we count this one, or what?
Published Friday, 25 December 2015