Grabbing frogs...

The Amazon

Most startups today are using cloud computing services. I'm sending you two to Amazon for training on this.


I can't understand what he's saying.

Olá! Bem-vindo ao Rio Amazonas! Há muitos piranhas, então tome cuidado.


I heard that they use different languages than we do. It's probably Haskell or Scala.


We have so much to learn... At least this river looks like a nice place to swim.

Perigo! Não nadar!

Portuguese. It's actually Portuguese. Because when you are in the Amazon, you're in Brazil. When you're in, you're...uhh...somewhere else.

The Amazon frog is telling the other two frogs to be careful around the piranhas. The sign says, "Danger! No swimming!" Or at least I think it does; I don't speak Portuguese either (but I do know COBOL).

Published Monday, 4 April 2016

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