Grabbing frogs...
Science Frog's Halloween Tech Support
Could you describe the problem you're experiencing?
Once upon a midnight dreary, I was shopping, weak and weary, shopping for a teapot from an online store. While I sat there, in my searching, the Internet was slow and lurching.
Tis some heavy traffic, bogging down this online store. Only this and nothing more.
But the Router, dark and doubting, would not allow my online browsing.
I have these search results for linking, and I see your lights are blinking. When can I receive the listing? The listing from my online store?
Quoth the Router
Much I marvelled this ungainly network equipment speaking so plainly, though its answer made me sore.
My clicks are failing! I need to order! Order from this online store! When will network bytes be sailing? Can I even get a response 404?
Quoth the Router
And the Router, never shifting, still is sitting, STILL is sitting, sending nothing to or from the online store. And my teapot shall be ordered - nevermore!
Try plugging in your router to regular Power Over Ethernet. Normal PoE. It seems like you're using Edgar Allen PoE.
Published Wednesday, 28 October 2020