Grabbing frogs...

Business Frog's Tale

The tales thou hast tolde are ful of despair. Listeth as I a happy tale share!


Ther ones liveth a team,
three frogges who maad foones.
Seyd they, "Busyness ys goode!"
And they payde off ther loans.


But al ther goode fortune,
coude ende with one flaw.
Some lobsters arisest,
with claims of the lawe.


Looke at oure patents! We owen what thou dost!

Redde vileynes they weren,
Hearts ful of froste.


Thou muste pay us two dollars for everich dollar thou make!

Then one frogge mooste clever thynketh quykely and spake,


We coude yeveth thee monye, yf that ys howe ye wante payde. But we have patents also. Woudest thou consyder a trade?


Oure propertee of intellect we keepe in this pot. Go ynside and take soome. We will stopeth thee not.


Overcome by their greed,
the lobsters wanted a looke.
The frogge closed the lyd and
the lobsters did cooke.


Lust for more monye and ye constantly risk loosing yt al and endyng up in a bisque.

A happy tale? Certainly not for the lobsters. At least there's a real moral.

Just one more to go...what kind of tale will Pirate Frog tell?

Published Monday, 27 April 2015

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